Eliza travel agency

Hi Lindsay! Thank you for contacting us, Visit-Philippines a brand by Eliza les Ailes du Voyage for your first collaboration with a travel agency! And for us, our first official collaboration with a French-Filipina blogger!

To begin, present yourself in few words!
Hello! My name is Lindsay, 100% Filipina but born and raised in Paris – a real parisian 🙂 At first sight, I am rather calm and discreet even sometimes closed. But once (…) you know me more, I am the super nice and cool friend with a touch of madness. I am a pretty simple person who doesn’t like complicated things. I live life to the fullest! By the way, my slogan tattooed on my wrist is “Live life to the fullest”!

You describe yourself as a “Fashion/Travel” blogger. Where does your passion for fashion and travel come from?
Since I’m little, fashion has always had an important place in my heart. I grew up with a step-father, a fashion designer, and I used to help him in his work. (…) Since, I’ve been designing and customizing my own clothes. Yes, my home was a real art studio.
As for my passion for travelling, I would say that it started at the age of 23 when I travelled alone in Asia for the first time to pursue my studies. Discovering a new environment, new cultures by myself and meeting new people, has completely opened my mind. I was fascinated to see so many wonders to be explored in this world.

Your best travel memory?
Oh my… I have so many! *laughs* but to quote one, I would say my road trip in the desert of Tunisia. From Djerba to Chenini, passing by Tataouine and Matmata, I spent one entire night in the Tunisian desert. A total change of scene! Riding a quad and a camel in the middle of nowhere, just me on the sand hills. Honestly, you cannot do that everyday… Such an incredible memory!

Your top 3 essentials to bring in your luggage?
My camera of course! Then, it all depends where I travel but definitely the anti-mosquitoes spray (I was traumatized) and music – always prepare a playlist because the travel is often long.

How did you hear about the travel agency “Eliza les Ailes du Voyage/Visit-Philippines”?
I know the agency through my mother who is a friend of Tita Eliza, the founder of the travel agency “Eliza les Ailes du Voyage”. I think they were one of the first Filipino migrants who came to Paris.

Our clients often say that our travel agency is nothing like the others! What were your first impressions when you entered the travel agency?
Indeed, it is not like any other travel agencies! As soon as you step in it, you already feel like you are travelling! As a Filipino, I instantly thought I was in the Philippines! The team is welcoming, friendly and breezy. The typical “Pinoy attitude”!

Describe your experience with us!
Very good! Tita Liza has been very helpful and understanding of my needs. She not only helped me with my flight ticket bookings but also she has given me all the practical informations to know for my other internal travels in the Philippines such as the transportation, where to sleep, the activities… An assistance of quality from A to Z, Tita Eliza has been wonderful!

With the Internet, people tend to book their flight tickets more and more online. What are the advantages to go to a travel agency? A direct help and assistance, which is not the case online. By the time you receive an answer from the online client service, your ticket has already disappeared! *laughs* And I think that if you go through a travel agency, there are no unpleasant surprises.

For those who do not know the Philippines, what can you tell them to convince them to visit it?
No one I know or met has been disappointed with the Philippines. All the people who visited the country were mesmerized! They shared many positive feedbacks about this place.

3 words to describe the Philippines
Heaven on Earth.

Your next #summer2018 destinations?
Actually 3 weeks and a half in the Philippines! I plan to visit 3 dream destinations: Romblon, Siargao and Leyte on the Kalanggaman island.

From France

To Philippines!


Eliza travel agency

More about the Philippines, check my articles here

20 Responses

  1. Je me reconnais beaucoup dans la réponse à ta première question, on est pareil niveau personnalité ! Et puis j’ai visité aussi le désert Tunisien et j’ai adoré 🙂 Je ne suis encore jamais allé aux Philippines mais j’aimerais beaucoup !

    1. Si tu penses à une destination en Asie, penses aux Philippines 😀 n’hésites pas à y aller !

  2. Coucou un tres bel article avec de jolie photo . Moi aussi quand je part en voyage la chose indispensable à enmener c’est l’appareil photo

  3. Coucou,
    Oh mais c’est hyper intéressant cette interview, j’ai appris plein de choses du coup, je ne savais pas d’où te venait ta passion pour la mode ni que tu savais créer des vêtements, c’est génial ! Et c’est vrai que voyager c’est une belle aventure à chaque fois 🙂
    Félicitations pour ce beau projet en tout cas !

  4. Hello
    Elle est carrément canon ta collaboration avec l’agence. D’ailleurs je ne connaissais pas mais je l’ai noté. Cette année normalement nous retournons en Islande mais les Philippines ça pourrait bien me tenter ! Au passage, tu es radieuse. Beaux voyages à toi.

    1. C’est aussi pas mal l’Islande! Je ne l’ai encore jamais fait mais j’irai bien prochainement 😀

  5. Coucou Lindsay,

    Une très belle interview ! Ha les Philippines, c’est tellement beau, ça donne envie d’y rester, même si tout ne dois pas être rose tous les jours !
    Les paysages sont splendides !

    Belle journée,
    Laura – Bambins, Beauté et Futilité

  6. Coucou
    L’appareil photo est aussi pour moi l’indispensable pour un voyage. Je ne pourrai jamais partir sans même si parfois, il faudrait tout de même que je ralentisse un peu sur les photos. ^^ Pour tout te dire lorsqu’on part à l’étranger, on organise tout nous même que cela soit pour la recherche du meilleur tarif du billet d’avion que la recherche d’appartement. Après, cela demande évidement plus de temps. ^^
    Passe une belle journée

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