

4 days in Czech Republic for my Mom’s birthday?! Yep, why not! I heard a lot of positive things about this city. So I’ve decided to bring my dear Mom at Prague to celebrate her birthday. Let’s go for a Mother/Daughter trip!

We’ve loved it! During the journey we did so many long stroll in the city, we saw beautiful historic spots everywhere you go! There’s also a lot of tourists, I was almost wondering where were the locals. The food is very tasty and delicious but what I noticed the most is they are very generous with the food. That’s good! If you have a big appetite like me you’ll be very happy! 

I highly recommend Prague to visit at least once in your life, because there’s so many things and cute historic places to discover like the famous Charles Bridge. Maybe that’s why there’s so many tourists, to see that famous bridge. About the living cost is cheaper than France. And you eat very well 😉

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Find my other adventure here.

3 Responses

  1. O wauw, never knew Prague was that beautiful! Have been there 10 years ago but can’t remember a lot. Definitely on my list of city’s to visit soon!:)

    1. Wow, 10 years ago, that was long time ago… Time for you to go back and rediscover the city hahah
      It has well changed now as you can see 🙂

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